A law firm specialized in Franco-German and European business relations

The basis for a fruitful cooperation between companies in different countries is a respect of their specific legal environments. The ADAM-CAUMEIL law firm is specialized in Franco-German and European business law and in settling litigation between countries.

Our French avocats and German Rechtsanwälte are members of the “Paris and Berlin bars, and they are totally familiar with all of the various applicable laws, procedures, practices and case law. Their great expertise is the result of over 25 years’ experience, which they make available to companies, their managers and their in-house counselors in order to provide them with support in their legal strategies and development, and advise or, in the event of disputes, on preparing an effective defense.

Our areas of expertise

2 avenue Trudaine
B.P. 30657 · F-75423 Paris Cedex 09
Tél. (0033)1 42 81 41 51
Fax (0033)1 42 81 49 26